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[in progress]
Shovers & Makers: An Award for the Rest of Us
Shovers & Makers is the Library Society of the World's complement to the annual Library Journal Movers and Shakers Awards. And there is only one way to become a Shover and Maker: declare yourself one.
A Directory of Shovers & Makers
Some of us afflicted with librarians' disease expressed an interest in a list/directory of Shovers & Makers with links to the profiles. Please feel free to add yourself. This is a work in progress.
Click on a column name to sort.
Eskind Biomedical Library,
Vanderbilt University
Women's Health News (blog)
Our Bodies Our Blog
The Brewin' Librarian
David J. Fiander
Western Libraries,
University of Western Ontario
Aaron the Librarian
Deepening the Conversation
AskON, Knowledge Ontario
(new websites coming soon!)
nunanishi on twitter
ask nuna nishi on facebook
Pattern Recognition :: Homepage
ALA TechSource :: Twitter :: Flickr
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This is our Sidebar (duh)
Mission Statement (What we're about)
Membership Roster
Shovers and Makers
Free Professional Development
Elevator Pitch
Open Page for brainstorming
Our Chat Room
LSW California Dreaming Team FTW!
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