What is the Library Society of the World?
The Library Society of the World is a loose group of librarians, archivists, information professionals, and information educators dedicated to promoting libraries and free information, building friendships and alliances, and fostering communication and collaboration.
Is the LSW meant to replace the American Library Association or any other national or local library organization?
No. The LSW is not in direct competition with any other library organization. You can be a member of any other organization and still be a member of the LSW. The LSW is just an alternative, for library and information folks who want the advantages of a badly organized organization without having to pay money to be a member of such a beast.
Is this serious?
Yes and no. This is a serious alternative to other, more formal library organizations, but we do it with grins and laughs. If you take organizations, bureacracy, and professional conferences seriously, you may not appreciate the LSW.
How do I join? Are there membership dues?
To officially join the Library Society of the World, simply declare yourself a member. It's that easy! There are no membership dues at all. You'll probably want to add your name to the Membership Roster, which you can do by logging in to edit this wiki. To get the password, simply contact any other member of the LSW and ask for the password.
Do I need to be a degreed library professional to join?
Nope. The LSW accepts as members all library employees and all people associated with libraries and free information.
Are there divisions, committees, or round tables within the LSW I can join?
Not yet, but you're free to create whatever divisions, committees, bureaus, offices, cabals, discussion groups, round tables, knightly orders, or other factions you wish.
If I join, what ranks or positions can I attain?
As a member of the LSW, you're free to bestow upon yourself whatever title, rank, position, or nickname you wish to have.
I don't like what you're doing here. It's lame. Why should I join?
You probably shouldn't. But if you think you can create your own library group that's at least as good as this one (and there's no reason to think you can't), go ahead and start your own.
Do you guys have t-shirts or other kewl swag?
We are currently working on a comprehensive merchandising and marketing plan. Swag rollout might begin as early as June at the ALA Annual Conference. See our Vice President of Ennui for details.
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